Nisha Tellecom Employe Story


My name is Nisha. I live in Delhi with my family. I used to work in a telecom company. I was the only breadwinner of my family. My father was a private employee who could not work for long due to his poor health. After seeing all this I had to go to work. Everything was going well. Everyone in my life was happy. Read More

 The girl I used to work for had many professionals who used to come to the office every day in different vehicles. She used to work in my shift. I was also thinking a lot about earning a profession, but I was not able to find one. All my professional work was spent on room rent, electricity bills, household expenses. I was finally able to afford an automobile. Then I thought that the girl working in my shift, who has good relations with her family, will have more professions, but I was assuming this, then one day I asked that girl that from where do you get so many professions that you come in a new car every day, your father does business, Read More

 then she said that this is my whole profession and I am a worker, apart from this work I do another work part time. Then I asked her if I can also do this work, then she said ok I will tell you later. She told me the next day that I work in a company, I go there and those people talk to me, we party and after that those people give me money and I come back. I said this is a good thing I can do this work, she said yes you can, she told me the address and said that you come to that place tomorrow evening, I said ok. I reached that place the next day. That girl was sitting with those girls. 

People were partying and drinking alcohol. Seeing all this I got very scared because I had never seen all this before. Then he called me to him and said that you can also party. I said no. Then a man came and there was a room next to it in which there was a girl. Both of them went into that room and after a long time both of them came out. The girl who went inside the room gave a bundle of money to the girl from the office and she left but still I was getting very upset and I was getting late. Nothing happened to me that day. Then I went the next day and I quietly sat alone in a corner. 

Then the girl from my office was also sitting in front of me. She sent a boy to me. The boy came to me and sat down. He started talking to me and asked me to come inside the room. I thought that we will just talk and take money but when we went inside we started talking to each other. He started taking off his clothes and said you also take off your clothes quickly. I got scared and what I was afraid of happened. That girl from my office used to broker girls. I immediately left that room and went home. The next day when I met that girl, I asked her why she did not tell me that she runs a call girls company. Then I thought that whatever I am is good. At least I am keeping my family happy even if my dream of buying a car is not fulfilled.

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